on EBAY a DoYaThing vinyl costs a lot of money, and I mean a LOT of money, which makes sense because it's pretty rare, right? like, it obscure. but that doesn't excuse the fact that it is 5,000. dollars. FIVE. THOUSAND. DOLLARS. and it doesn't even work; it's not a working vinyl it's just a replica. so basically they're charing 5,000 dollars for a plastic disk. it's a gorillaz frisbee! you could buy a working 3D printer and make your own for less money! no, better yet you could buy THE REAL VINYL for less money (its like 2-3 hundred dollars)
It's likely just so they can get their listings to the top of search results on eBay, either that or they know there's a handful of collectors out there with tons of disposable income that are huge fanatics for certain memorabilia of artists.
yeah, good point